What is the Legislative Assembly?

The Legislative Assembly is the highest policy-making body in the university and is composed of the batch legislators, who author, create, modify, and improve the policies of the University. It is composed of committees such as Students' Rights and Welfare (STRAW), which is in charge of proposing and reviewing policies of the USG and the University; Rules and Policies (RnP), which is dedicated to creating and reviewing the internal policies of the USG to ensure its effectiveness; and National Affairs (NatAff), which looks into relevant national issues and oversees the creation of manifestos and open letters that reflect the stance of the USG on these issues.

ID 121, meet your first set of Batch Legislators!

Legislative Assembly Agenda

A Review on the Student Complaints and Grievance Manual

As students, we recognize the importance of avenues that aid us in freely expressing our grievances. With this, we are lobbying for the review of the Student Complaints and Grievances Manual, in coordination with the necessary offices, to gauge how the student body understands the current grievance filing processes and how it can better be improved moving forward. Through this, we strive to empower the student body to express their grievances, guided by an accessible and user-friendly manual.

A Proposal on a University-wide Council of Student Sectors

As members of the Lasallian community, we should be included and fairly represented in the policy-making and initiative-building processes to ensure that our safety and welfare are safeguarded. Echoing the university’s commitment to creating safe and inclusive spaces for its students, we propose the creation of a University-wide Council of Student Sectors in every college government to ensure that they are heard and represented in all aspects of policy and program planning. Herein, all students are represented from their gender preferences, financial backgrounds, belief systems, or other backgrounds for a truly consultative, proactive, and inclusive DLSU.

A Review on the University Enrollment Process

Nearing the eventual resumption of face-to-face classes, we must take into account the varying financial circumstances students face, especially in the payment of tuition fees. Consequently, we are calling for a review of the University Enrollment Process to determine its effectiveness and receptivity to students with legitimate reasons through a survey supplemented by discussions with concerned offices. Through this, we hope to work towards a more inclusive enrollment policy for all Lasallians and explore possible ways to help them.

A Mandate on Town Halls for National and Sectoral Situationers

To promote civic participation, we are lobbying for a mandate on town hall sessions held by the Legislative Assembly to serve as a platform for the student body to voice out their opinions and stances on pressing national and sectoral affairs. With this, we can promote social awareness and discourse to collate sentiments from students and actualize them through manifestos, statements, and proposals. Through this, we strive to amplify the views of our peers and gear them toward concrete and actual solutions for the betterment of the student body.

A Proposal on Balik Eskwela Assistance

With the current #BalikDLSU initiative, we propose a Balik Eskwela Assistance that would grant financial aid to eligible students, addressing their concerns on transportation, academic materials, and other necessities once face-to-face classes resume. In collaboration with the Office of the Executive Treasurer, a survey will be conducted to determine the number of grantees, allocation budget, and implementation period of the proposal. Through this, we strive to safeguard student welfare by catering to the needs of the student body.

A Study on the Help Desk Announcement Mailing

As we navigate through an influx of virtual information day-by-day, we seek to optimize dissemination towards a more efficient system. In coordination with the Office of the Vice President for Internal Affairs, we propose a study on the effectiveness of the Help Desk Announcement (HDA) System in circulating information to the student body, faculty and administration. Through this, we aim to use the results as a foundation for the proposal on revisions to the mailing system that will allow for more effective information dissemination.

Hybrid Learning Manual

As we transition to face-to-face classes, we propose the drafting of a Hybrid Learning Manual, in coordination with the Office of the President, comprising the grading policies, face-to-face class policies, online class policies; and other policies that would be institutionalized for the Hybrid Learning setup. Through this, students will be informed of the new and revised protocols set in place, allowing for the smooth transition to the Hybrid Learning setup.